Monday, February 25, 2008

Factory vs. Warehouse

So, Nick told me the other day that the goal of blogging is to be a factory, not a warehouse. To constantly churn out new thoughts, not store them up and dole out.

I thought about the analogy...I thought, "What's wrong with the warehouse? Stuff comes in, sits a bit, then goes out." Then I realized, it is not changed by the warehouse - I would be taking in info and then just regurgitating it unanalyzed and unaffected.

The factory...stuff comes in, it is assembled, and then shipped out. Better, but my problem with it is that factories are usually specialized so the same stuff always comes in and the same stuff always goes out.

I decided I want to be a design or marketing firm. People come to me with their stuff, I analyze it, and give it back to them in a new way that they can use. Sometimes they like it, sometimes they don't, sometimes you get lots of repeat business, sometimes not. I like that analogy for my blogging. Many different things enter my life, I think about them and blog them out, and sometimes those blogs are helpful (sometimes not) to others.

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