Wednesday, February 20, 2008

You watch what?

So, I mentioned in my last blog that I was watching a Christian TV Show in the morning. To be specific, it is "Life Today" and has a couple different hosts and they interview people and have short Bible studies and such. It is not something I would normally watch because I feel most such programs are preachy and closed-minded. And honestly, I'm still not sure if I like the regular hosts - a couple - a small quiet woman and a talkative large southern man.

But, I find I get tired of watching the news while eating my breakfast. Just the same old news, weather, shootings and crap. And I flipped to this channel one day because it was better than the kids' programming on KCPT and the informercials on the non-news channels. It actually interests me, not that I neccisarily aggree with everything they say, but it always makes me think about subjects I like to think about.

One woman did a study on the power of the spoken word. How much more powerful a spoken word is than just a thought word or even written word. One day they interviewed the author of "Bad Girls in the Bible," Liz Higgs. She was an extrodinarily charizmatic woman and very interesting to listen too. I never thought to read the book before because it sounded so trendy cliche...but, she was so engaging and ensightful.

Sometimes, in this culture, it is hard for me to admit that I am a Christian and participate in "Christian activities." Christians have a bad name as being shallow, narrow-minded, and hypocrits. But I don't want to be ashamed, because I am not like that. And so I admit, I watch a Christian tv show in the mornings, and enjoy it (so far =).

1 comment:

Rebekah said...

My tv show just got moved to 6:30 in the morning....I may not get to watch it anymore because I don't tend to get up that early. Hm.