Monday, February 18, 2008

Starting the Blog

My first post for my friend, Nick. He has inspired me to blog - I don't know if I consider it a social obligation as he put it, but I always like doing things for posterity.

So, my husband and I are three weeks out from putting on a show that we produced, designed, and will present. It is scary being responsible for a professional show that people pay to come see - you are expected to be professional and good and entertaining. There are so many aspects to keep a handle on - people working for you, design elements, organization and movement of props, etc.

And it is fulfulling a dream of my husband's. I think that is what's hardest...bringing a dream to life that you want to keep its magic. Dreams are great in your mind and you want them to be great in life, too. So, we are giving it all of our effort. The journey has been filled with many challenges, I hope the product will be filled with joy.

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